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14 threads - 14 posts
Feb 10, 2010 0:45:26 GMT -5
RULES AND SITE INFORMATION. Our laws are located here, any rules regarding the site, characters and extras are located here. If you need assistance, simply request it.


- The Rules
- Plot
- Guide
- Race Information
- And more

8 threads - 74 posts
IMPORTANT STUFF. I know, vague yeah? Well this is where all the Activity checks, Contests/Events and OTM votes will be stored. So be sure to check here often! Staff will try to have something new for you every week or so :3


- Activity Checks
- Contests/Events
- OTM Votes
4 threads - 12 posts
`` Suggestions Thread for New Site.
by Morte
Feb 27, 2010 21:15:16 GMT -5
QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS. Have questions/comments for us here at Paradise Lost? Well drop us a line and let us know. Feel free to ask about anything you feel you are unclear about, don't be afraid even if it's the simplest of questions that you feel needs to be addressed. Our staff crew will be on it A.S.A.P. If it is something we cannot do, or take care of, we apologize in advance. Guests want to let us know you like our site, Just pay us a visit in the OOC section, or pop in on our Chat-Box.


- Questions
- Comments
- Requests
- Suggestions
0 threads - 0 posts
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THREAD GRAVEYARD. This is where all completed and inactive/dead threads will be stored. This is only for the roleplay threads. Out of Character threads will be removed annually to clean up that section, they will not be stored here. Please use common sense. Tell an admin when a thread is finished, or use a [Fin] tag in the title.


- Inactive thread for 2 weeks.
- Inactive members participating in said thread.
- Roleplay is complete.
- Inappropriate content.
- Taking up unneeded space.[/blockquote]


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
8 threads - 14 posts
CHARACTER CREATION. Yes here it is, character creation! Here you get to design any character you please. But use your common sense and follow our rules so there are no complications. Follow the template we have provided and please do not alter it. Wait for an admin's approval before you begin to roleplay. We are currently accepting all species of wolves. Be sure to watch for Bans.



24 threads - 48 posts
ACCEPTED CHARACTERS. After going through the required steps to make a character, all accepted profiles will be stored here. Please be reminded that only members who have their character accepted may begin to roleplay. For those new members, please pay respect to the following rule:



- Novocain
- Xennie
0 threads - 0 posts
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PUPS AND LITTERS. We have a specialized system in here so please follow our rules and directions. Admin will have final say, so you get what you get.

4 threads - 4 posts
Character Adoption
Feb 11, 2010 13:31:43 GMT -5
THE DECEASED. Any incomplete biography that has been sitting untouched by a deleted or inactive member will be moved here rather than being deleted in case that person would like to return and get that information. Also, dead character will also be moved here.
1 thread - 3 posts
Casper's Plots
by [CASPER]™
Feb 15, 2010 20:50:26 GMT -5
PLOTTING. So this is the IC section for plotting. Here members can bring ideas for their characters, and make plans with others. Members can "advertise" their character to other members who may be looking to form a plot. Please, nothing too immature.



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Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Lake of Dirt
1 thread - 6 posts
In a clearing of dead and dying trees, there is a lake of dirt. Driftwood is scattered throughout this area. Some of it is poking out of the now rock hard ground that used to be thick mud. Merely an empty husk of a once former glory, it barely even mists in the dead place that’s name went with the water. Rocks lay at the base of a jagged and eroded cliff that used to be home to a waterfall, but the river has dried, and with it the lake.
The trees create a gloom of an ambiance no better than that of a graveyard. And essentially, that is what this place is.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
A Lust Paradise
1 thread - 2 posts
Large, healthy trees stand tall and proud in this forest that never seems to end. Unfortunately, its border was created by a meteor, and resulted in one of the many rivers to cease flowing.
But this forest is filled with life, hedgehogs and deer, beavers and bears, and certainly wolves. They are a pure spirited bunch that roam this land, creating their own haven in trees that act as clouds for the "angels."
The Flow of Water
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A natural dam -- courtesy of the beavers -- that creates a ledge between the boarder of Ether and Shakael. It spans several hundred feet, and is the source of all the water in Ether. Below is a lake that branches off into several rivers, streams and trickles of water that lead into ponds and puddles alike.
Plenty of life resides in the waters of the lake, as well of legends of love, loss, and eternal happiness.
Lirico Valley
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The water here is loud, and can be heard for a few miles. It's clear appearance draws many to the large basin that the falling water created over the many years. It is a peaceful place with it's clear water, and rumbling falls. It is a popular hang out for the pack members of this area. The falls eventually end at a large, and beautiful lake. The lake appears green in direct sunlight due to the healthy environment that it is kept in. Life flourishes in the lake, and it is filled with tons of fresh water fish. Frogs are plentiful, and make good opponents to growing pups. Clear as a mirror, and on good days you can almost see to the very bottom. Lirico also has a lush, and fertile valley that surrounds the falls, and stretches out through most of the lands. Flowers bloom here most of the year, and nearly the whole place is filled with the lingering scents of flowers.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Stygian Mire
2 threads - 7 posts
The Retrospect; {Tower, Open}
by ReverseRevival
Feb 21, 2010 23:15:27 GMT -5
The world can be such an eerie place, and here, in the marsh, this is exceptionally true. The humidity is at it's peak, and the heat seems as though it could be just a few degrees below the searing heats of the desert. A thick fog spreads evenly over the shallow, muddy waters that cover the three mile expanse. Tall reeds and trees are the only plants to poke up from the waters. The worst thing about this place? It would have to be the strange feeling that someone is watching you from every direction. The creepy sounds, creaking trees, swift moving shadows; who would want to stick around a place like this?
Stagnant Paradise
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The water here is foul, and most of the vegetation is damp and humid from the thick trees that hang over the grass that grows along the waters edge. The water is a greenish brown, and stagnant. Many insects and parasites make these dank waters their home. Fish and strange creatures; predators make their home within the murky depths. Any person with a morbid facination for death and disease would find this to be paradise. Drinking the water here could make you sick, and tred lightly, watch for sink holes these lands are dangerous. One may end up sinking into the dark depths to their depth. This is the only large body of water within Shakael, surrounded by dry, deadly terrain at every direction beyond the swamp's borders.
Wastelands of Despair
2 threads - 8 posts
Dance with the Devil // Lucaria & open
by ::Lucaria::
Feb 18, 2010 16:55:16 GMT -5
As if the same fog from the marsh had been able to spread it's thickness over the dry earth like butter on toast, it has swept over the ground and conceals the dry, cracked earth that was once a vast lake. Various dead trees poke from the ground while the bones of larger animals barely reach above the misty covers. The chilled air can cause a few shivers, so one had better be prepared for a long search for shelter when roaming through these lands.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Where Angels Die
1 thread - 5 posts
It's not a war or a rapture. [Open]
by Morte
Feb 26, 2010 17:07:36 GMT -5
It is a mountainous range here, yet, the seclusion brings forth a whole new series of mysterious things to see and experience. The sides of the mountain are dotted with the entrances to various tunnels which lead into one main cavern inside the mountain. The acidic water that puddles in these caves brings no harm to those who step in it, but to those who drink it, the consequences could be fierce. Many travelers to come here are delirious from their perilous journeys, so, they often believe that a bright light from heaven can be seen somewhere in the tunnels when only it is the glint from various crystal formations. Those unlucky wanderers end up perishing from starvation while waiting for a savior.
The Eternal Snow
1 thread - 1 post
Hallowed Eve [Frost]
by Caliente
Feb 1, 2010 19:53:12 GMT -5
The mountains are constantly blanketed by snow, and just as much as there is snow, there are numerous species of evergreen trees to add a little color to the white wonderland. The trees are not spaced, though, and in fact are very packed together in some areas. They provide great shelter from snow and sleet and often times temporary den areas can be made beneath the thick, low hanging branches.
Belly of the Beast
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Skeletal fingers reach for the sky with desprate longing for sunlight. Thick blankets of fog hang above a dying terrain devoid of anything lush or vibrant. Sickening shades of dull add to a daunting scene with a seemingly ethereal but malevolent gothic-esque. A dying forest thick with twisted branches that loom over one's body, casting dancing shadows like skeletal hands of demons over the landscape below. The wind howls as it moves along the ground like a pack of rabid wolves. Shadows whisper and wander the haunting lands, the only life that of anything dark and macabre, spiders, ravens, owls. Always watching your every move. Finally you step before a tomb marked with ancient egyptian hyroglyphs, and a monster waits for you within the Belly of the Beast. This is the home of the God of Horror and Dischord; his calling is Novocain. Can you hear his eden slander whisper upon the winds?


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The Valley of Rift
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If you can get through the valley of rift alive, kudos to you. This isn't your ordinary valley, in fact it is completely flat. The terrain is gloomy, with an ever present shadow looming over head. Thick clouds of dust and eerie fog hang over the ground, hiding the rocky ground; surrounding rock formations that rise above head like islands. The reason for its name, lies beneath this thick blanket where lies a rift, like something tore a giant rip in the earth. Cliffs extend for what seems like forever. Between the sheer flat cliff faces, if one can see well enough through the darkness and fog, there lie slender paths that wind around, and down into the crevice many feet below, surrounded by deadly jagged rocks. But somewhere within the depths of that howling chasm, lies the gateway to hell.
A Gateway to Hell
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A strange, abysmal black mist fills the air surrounding what is known as a gateway to hell. Too thick to see through, and smelling only of decaying trees, creatures are forced to use their ears to pass through this area. Until you're right upon it, you will not see anything -- 'til the mist breaks, and whatever unfortunate wanderer finds themselves in the middle of a narrow path through the trees. Branches are knitted together tightly overhead, so even without that horrible mist, light is scarce; the ground is too hard for prints to be embedded in it. If you have a good eye, you might spot the occasional skull -- prey bones, one might assure themselves, but certainly some are visibly that of a wolf.
Underground Empire
1 thread - 7 posts
So maybe I took just a little too much [open]
by Zendelrin
Feb 19, 2010 22:00:20 GMT -5
Beyond the forest of the gateway, there is a broad expanse of grassland dotted with trees, shrubbery, and large rocks. The ground seems shattered, with cliffs and drops, and narrow ridges providing relatively unstable pathways up and down. Scattered across the plains that might once have been flat are small, narrow caves that lead downwards. Many are dead ends -- some are too long to find an end of. Some, however, lead down into the earth, into caverns filled with gleaming crystal glittering in the rock. The way is lit only by a faint glow from the crystals, and only hearing, smell, and touch are reliable in the darkness. Most of these caverns join together into a single massive one, deep and long and the ceilings much too far to be visible, lit by the same softly-glowing crystals as in the smaller caverns. In this cavern, there is a scent of life, tinged with death and blood and hunger and malice, and the air is filled with silence. This place is obviously inhabited, but none except its inhabitants and their sacrifices get this far.


Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
1 thread - 1 post
SITE SHOP. Yes, here it is! Our OOC shop where members can purchase items for their characters or their accounts. The currency here are credits; acquired via posting, contests or contributing to the site.
8 threads - 10 posts
Arigatou! But Good news :D
by ReverseRevival
Mar 3, 2010 17:19:01 GMT -5
HIATUS. Going away for a while, taking a vacation or leaving us? Well post us a little notification so staff know to keep your characters safe, as well as your account. Please notify us BEFORE you leave, consequences of loosing accounts or characters if you do not, are your own fault.
9 threads - 28 posts
ART STUDIO. Let's share some of our work! So you want to show off your skills? Well feel free to set up a little gallery inside our media studio. Anything is welcome here, but please let us know if it is mature. Members may ask for critique, or request pieces made by others if they are offering it. Please be polite to each other.
6 threads - 34 posts
Mate, Date, or Shovel
by ReverseRevival
Feb 28, 2010 4:11:55 GMT -5
GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT. Here members can play games, show off writing, and what ever they feel like. This is a general board so anything can go on here; just no SPAM. Anything regarding twilight will be deleted as soon as any staff see it. You've been warned. Feel free to start some games, polls, anything you can think of. Be creative.
105 threads - 150 posts
The Twilight RPG
by Ryan
Mar 5, 2010 21:36:00 GMT -5
PLUG BOARD. Want to Affiliate with us here at Paradise Lost? Or just want to let us know of your existence? Well post in here and let us know!

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